Game prep for Session 2

yeah ok it’s been a while but we play only every other week because that’s how everyone schedules work out. and it gives me enough time to do Life, and still get situated with stuff for the game.  I am looking forward to tomorrow’s game.  I think it’s going to be lots of fun, not a lot of potential for combat as I am introducing some character’s tomorrow, such as a Detective, and a DA and I have fleshed out a couple of more people at the sept level.  I also have a list of allies that I am fleshing out as well, not too much I want some of it to be created organically as the story goes along.   One of the things that I will mention here is that they will definitely be getting a call from the Sept leader asking what they were thinking and for them to explain themselves.  And not sure how team Ragabash is going to deal with the potential forensics they left behind, they mean well, and they are entertaining, and that is a big part of the game, to be entertained so…

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