Litany class/ Mr. Montgomery makes a deal

Yesterday was the Litany and You class, one of my players that was not at game actually made the power point. I may see if she is willing to let me post it. Let’s say the class went well, sort of.  There were questions asked and answered in game so that the role playing could go on, the person giving the class is a very experienced roleplayer and did a good job of explaining the Litany to us all. There was some clarity that I needed, but I did not have to ask as one of the players piped up and asked that very question. Game progressed and we got to the day before the court case, the beginning of which was a work day for much of the group, so they had to do their mundane jobs most of the day.

After work I had a player that wanted to meet Mr. Montgomery, she dressed up and went to the high class club that he was at downtown in Winston-Salem. She did manage to get into the club as a prospective member to look around and try the place out. She sat down at the table next to where Mr. Montgomery was sitting and tried to laugh along with the conversation. Mr. Montgomery then finished his conversation and asked the player character to join him.This is when he offered her an obscene amount of money for the house where she is currently living and the land. At which point the Ragabash had a great moment of clarity and forethought, and called the Ahroun instead of making light of the situation or doing something else very rash. The whole group geared up and went to the club. I had Mr. Montgomery tell the wait staff the identities of the group in front of the female Ragabash. When the rest of the group got to the club not everybody went in. My Metis character stayed outside and secured the perimeter.  Ragabash numero uno stated he came in and went to the bar. My Theurge, she was wishy washy about what she wanted to do so I let her stay outside by the van for a few minutes. I try to give her time to get the situation in her head and get a feel for what other people do first, as she sometimes get anxiety about what to do and freezes up.

My Ahroun and Ragabash numero dos decided to have a conversation with Mr. Montgomery. It was amusing, I think, to banter back and forth with one of my players in this where I was trying to get information out of him about his crew and see if they would just sell for other property and cash. Meanwhile he was trying to get me to give up information about what Mr. Montgomery was really after. Numero uno decided to convince the wait staff that Mr. Montgomery was allowing him to use his tab to buy drinks for the whole crowd at the club. The conversation went on for a while and then I got my Theurge back into the game, she decided to go into the Umbra and look around. In the Umbra she met a Mage that was just sitting in the library of the club reading. Apparently it’s a really quiet place in the Umbra to study for finals, who knew? Yeah, I made that up it amused me. She found out that a local school was actually teaching pupils to be Mages.

At this point we moved on to the next day, which is the court case. Everyone was so worried about what to do, and because I wanted to drag the plot thread out a bit, I had the opposing attorney state the reasons why they were after the property. Mainly, that they were contesting the will, and that the copy of the will they had was actually done by the deceased uncle giving rights to the land to the conservation group (AKA the bad guys). I had the groups attorney ask for a continuance as to look at the will the opposing party said was the real one. That is where we ended the game. This was really a transition game, and there were some amusing points to it, but actually it was not as funny or memorable as some of the other games.  


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