Life Happened, no game

So instead of two blog posts for the next two weeks, I am just doing this one because there is no game this week. It is because life has happened and people can’t make game, myself included. This will happen from time to time and can derail a game if the GM is not careful. It typically happens around Christmas time and other holidays. You should try and keep the group thinking about what they might do next, or come up with something to help them think about the game. Keeping the game interesting is the most important part. You as the GM should realize when a game has come to its end. Sometimes this is difficult to see and to read from the group, however there will be signs. Such as a lack of interest in the game, or your players scheduling things during the usual game time. Some of this cannot be helped and as the GM you need to think carefully about this before simply stopping a game for good. There are times where things just happen. Being an adult, life can take us away from what we want to do, which in this case is roleplaying. In my case life happened and I think the group is still interested in continuing. I am looking forward to having the group back together for the next session. I have already mentioned that I will be making a random encounter chart for the next game just to see what happens. I have steered conversations to keep the group thinking about the game occasionally, so they will keep their enthusiasm for it.

Alas I must depart, for I have adult things to do.

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