Next game is in an Hour

So my latest game is in about an hour, not sure how I feel about this game.  It’s been since before the break we took for Christmas since we had last game.  One of my players is not going to be present for family reasons.  I wish her all the good vibes I can in this new year.  And I have one of her and my friends joining the game.  The party is in the woods and I have a druid I still have to make up, but if I don’t give him stats I can play a little looser with him, been looking at star wars again here of late and thinking that I may use a ghost character to help the group here in the not so distant future, i.e. like the game where they finally get to the ruins of the ancient city we are going to.  Still need to look up some maps for the ancient city, not sure how much time I am going to have them spend in the woods, or how much we are just going to skip; like instead of an encounter a day, have an encounter once a week, or what not, I am going to have to feel out my group, as we are going to be online today.  Well wish me luck.

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