I’m Casey and I’m an eclectic and eccentric mix of various hobbies, interests, and experiences. I’ve been an adjunct college professor, a semi-professional belly dancer, a triathlete, a CrossFit enthusiast, and done a Polar Plunge in Lake Superior in February 2006. While my family always had a big closet full of board and card games (and we always took games on family vacations!), I didn’t start identifying as a gamer until I moved to North Carolina and met Jon and Brian in 2008. I’m an avid gamer of all varieties, from tabletop to LARP to console to mobile. I’m also blogging on disability issues at the Adventures of a Part Time Wheeler blog. Most of my randomness can be found on Instagram as Sithrenity.
My favorite gaming system is Shadowrun (5th Edition)
My favorite board game is Betrayal at House on the Hill
My favorite card game is cribbage.