A New Journey

So I am starting a new game, online this time, on a website call roll20.com.  I think it will be interesting. This will be my first foray into Pathfinder rule set, and I am using Forgotten Realms as the world I am running the game on.  I hope it goes well.  I have two returning players from my previous game, and I have three new players, one is local and the other two are not.  If they wish to introduce themselves then that is ok with me if they do not, that is ok too.  To give you an idea I am using Pathfinder which is D&D 3.5 basically, and that is because a couple of the players have GM’d the system before.  I have no GM’d Pathfinder before, I have done mostly World of Darkness and 7th Sea 1st edition so this is something new for me. I hope the two GM’s  will help me learn the rules a bit better, but I am also hoping that it will help all of the players to feel more secure in the game knowing that we are all learning a bit. Everyone, well actually most of the group will be beginning with some sort of insecurity at some level or another and feeling each other out in this first couple of game sessions will be interesting.  

Of the two returning players one is a GM with many years of experience and is looking forward to playing in a game as opposed to running it.  The other returning player is a bit gun shy so to speak because of some past experiences but I look forward to the challenge of bringing her out of that carefully.  Of the other three one is a guildie from an MMORPG that I play regularly that I have asked if he would be interested, and he has accepted. Not sure if he knows exactly what he is getting into, but I think the experience will be good for him.  The local person is an interesting sort I met him through a friend and I think this will be his first campaign, I think he will be fine. For the local and my guildie there will be me to explain the story aspects and 2 of the other players that have GM’d before that can help them with the rules when need be.  And lastly is someone I met through the message board of roll 20.  She posted that she would be interested in the game and was able to get onto the discord server that was available at a decent time to chat about possible toons and did social intro stuff and seemed to fit so far.  She is the other person that has GM’d some hoping that she will fit in and help out a little bit with the rules and helping out the new persons, not sure though, first impressions are hard to do based on just words on a screen.  

Well here is to hoping that the game goes well, the first session is tomorrow and they are starting on Evermeet 300 years after the Spellplague and the High priestess  of magic has sent them on a journey to find magic tomes of lost spells, and a new incarnation of the goddess of magic.  We shall see what problems and things the adventurers get into as the game unfolds and where they end up. Until next time dear friends.

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