The next game is in a few hours

So, life has happened, I have tried to write this a couple of times over the course of the last few days and just not been able to.  But here we are game is in a few hours and I need to put something to the metaphorical paper.  I hope game is good this week; it is going to be a dungeon crawl.  I could not find any pictures of stuff to put in the cave that looked like what I wanted to I am going to use imagination for it.

One of my players is having to drop out due to work and that is sad, but life first.  Life should always come first.  This means that we are going to have a discussion today at the beginning of the game about whether we are going to carry on as three players or look for a fourth.  The group dynamic would change with a fourth but its an adventure right so why not.  However, I, personally, feel that this is a decision that the players should be involved in as it does affect them. 

I have made up another simple puzzle for them I hope I do not bore them with it, finding the components will be interesting though so. I wish them luck.

Short and sweet and to the point.

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