For simplicity’s sake, and so my name can’t be drawn out in a chastising dual syllable, I go by Lex. I’m a second-gen gamer, (Mom liked the sorcerer life and Dad thought he was a paladin) and have been playing all manner of table-top games since childhood. (Just not Life until that one time in my 20s, or Yahtzee… ever.) I am not actually an expert on anything except looking like an expert. I do, however, occasionally work for the Reality Police, as a civilian contractor, monitoring open pathways by comparing regulation to function, and will hopefully soon be able to open paths of my own. In my free time, I enjoy sitting in the sun like a good plant, doing research for a current project, starting new projects THAT I WILL TOTALLY FINISH AT SOME POINT, DANA, I JUST HAVE THIS ONE MORE NEW IDEA THAT I NEED TO RESEARCH, and petting any animal that meanders into my path too slowly to escape pets. My current interests are King Arthur, fairytales of all origins, writing, and my cat.
My Fictionpress/fanfiction/instagram are all Sparkling Grimm/sparklinggrimm.
- My favorite gaming system is the Hero system, but in a fantasy setting.
- My favorite board game is Shadows Over Camelot.
- My favorite card game is Sentinels of the Multiverse.