Ragabash will be Ragabash (think before you leap)

Ok so when everybody showed up we had the leader Ahroun, 1 Philadox, 2 Gilliard’s, a Theurge and 2 Ragabash…. Yes, two Ragabash, and these two fit the personality of Ragabash.  Don’t get me wrong without them the game would not have as many surprises, and I enjoy the group I play with because they will definitely keep me on my toes, my one word of advice for DM/GM/Storytellers is … TAKE NOTES, TAKE NOTES, TAKE NOTES.  Your players will remember details that you thought were unimportant and will call you on them.  Take notes and try to keep up with them.  It’s ok to not remember everything, but if you have to name an NPC or come up with a location name it’s good to write it down.

Any way the group got the notice that the will was being contested right away. And from there they split into two groups to cover more ground.  One group went to the downtown hotel space that Mr. Montgomery is renting (YAY! Team Ragabash) and the rest of the group went to look at his house north of town.  Now the Ahroun did call the Sept leader and ask for assistance.  I had Aiden talk to two persons that could help.  One was a hacker, and one was a social engineer.  I made them up as I went along and I … Wrote their names and a brief description down.  Now the Ahroun and Co.  went to the house and parked down the block away from the house so it looked like he could be at either one of two houses.  And they all changed to lupus form and proceded around to the back of the house. 

At this point I jumped back to Team Ragabash! And they were being semi-careful, they were careful in the lobby of the hotel, they took the elevator up to the 15th floor and got off, and took the stairs,  and since the players had asked if there are cameras in the stairwell and I, not thinking said no, so here we are upscale hotel with no cameras in the stairwells.  Well one of Team ragabash made a roll to open the door with her gift[1] .  They then proceeded inside and found no personal stuff in the hotel penthouse suite except clothes.  So no laptop, not receipts, and nothing except clothes.  Well my Ragabash players (YAY Team Ragabash!), decided to take peanut butter and put it into all the man’s shoes, why? I do not know, somethings I think I am better not asking we all laughed and I am rolling with it.

Team Ahroun

Now this group was a bit more careful, I told them about the dogs in the walled off estate and about the 24/7 security guards (2 at a time).  The Ahroun used his powers of observation and went to the house next door and stole a freezer full of meat for the dogs in the NPC’s house and when they jumped the fence, they brought the meat and stuff, I made the security guards a bit bumbling, I mean working for little more than minimum wage how much are you really going to pay attention.  So when the security guard did his rounds he was wearing headphones and not paying attention.  Just using a wand and scanning the barcodes and moving to the next section.

At this point Team Ragabash went into another room to talk about a video game. which i was totally ok with, because it’s a big group and it allowed me to make the group smaller without people feeling left out, which can be tough to do at times, jumping back and forth.

so the Ahroun group could not get into the main house, but the dogs were living in the mother-in-laws apartment that was out back and 2 of the the lupus Ahroun group went into the bathroom and stepped sideways into the umbra. in the umbra they found a couple of low level spirits guarding the house. one was obvious that they did not want to be there and the other one was on patrol working.  so my Ahroun took on the one that was on patrol and destroyed it.  and yeah i know that it was an easy fight but I wanted to make sure everyone remembered the system as it’s been a long time since we all played old WOD. and killing off player characters during the first game just seemed a bit much, i know this may sound a bit evil, but I want my players to get to know their characters, to get to enjoy them, and want them to succeed before I kill them off, if they don’t have the high of joy how can they know and understand to low of “you killed him off” to which I will say hey you could have made different choices it’s wasn’t me that killed them off,  but to be honest I am a bit of a push over in the killing PC’s off area, i talk a good game about your character will be dead before the end of next game, but to be honest. it’s probably not going to happen.

Anyway they took care of the spirits. and then entered the house and then jumped back from the umbra and searched the house. which set off the alarm system in the house. and the guards came up to the front door to go inside. and the Ahroun was standing at the door and jumped at them, and they ran off. now here come the nail biting part. now one of my character’s did ask how long it would take the police to get there. I told them about 20 minutes.  they searched the whole house to find stuff about the man who is after the house. when they were almost done they found a basement section that had a trap door bookcase in front of it, that smelled of death and decay. so all of the group except one went down the steps into the basement section. and they immediately went to the section of just dirt floor that was down there and started digging.  

now at this point i would like to stop and say, that I have created a “girlfriend” character for the person who appears to be the main villain at this time.  I would like to point out that I had just made her up on the fly and had just written down a first name.  I had planned to make a sheet for her and to have her be low level and able to give the group a hard time as a Vampire.  BUT NO…… my player characters decided to come into her house in the middle of the afternoon and dig her up. I didn’t even get a chance to make a character sheet.  I didn’t even get to the point where I described her personality. nope just dig her up while she is sleeping, and then chomp bite her hands off and then kill her.  I did have it leave a body and not turn to ash, I didn’t want my PC’s to get away with no consequences. any way they killed my precious NPC with just enough time to spare to rush out the front door as the police are showing up and run around the neighborhood and in the woods where they then changed back to homid. and then casually walked up to the van and drove off.

I gave out 2 xp for this situation as xp is not something that gets given out a lot, I mean a great session gets 5 points, and I will probably let them know at the beginning of the next session that it really should have been three.  I enjoyed the session, I still cannot believe that they killed off an NPC before I could even get the sheet made.

Casey you remember what gift this was?

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