Yes my precious game, we are going to kill them all. HA HA HA HA!

Game is tomorrow, hopefully there will be some interesting stuff going on. I still have to determine what and who is in the research facility that the group has started exploring. I have almost decided to have a Black Spiral Dancer as the boss in the bottom of the building. I’m not sure how much I am going to make them search the building for stuff. I’m still debating how much actually loot I am going to have them find.  I may just have them find information on other locations, but where is the fun in that? Gamers like to get stuff for their trouble.I could have them find a better vehicle, but then what is the point in having them fix the one they have? I have the 6 goons that they need to fight this time, so as to get farther into the building. On the other hand, I could do this building a la Raccoon city. It is the Wyrm and the Wyrm is supposed to be pretty much everywhere. Now that I have thought that through ‘out loud,’ I think I am going to do a small Umbrella Corp-like adventure in this building. I need to build some NPCs for them to find, and some monsters. Why do I feel like I am being a little evil? Yes, I have my pinky finger by my mouth. Well the plot thickens, here we go.


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